Por que as pessoas devem saber sobre o Projeto de MDL da Usina Hidrelétrica Jirau?
Este making of mostra como essa questão foi abordada na produção dos 04 vídeos inscritos pelos monitores ambientais do Observatório Ambiental Jirau no Concurso de Foto e Vídeo da Convenção Quadro das Nações Unidas (UNFCCC).
A participação da equipe no concurso foi uma oportunidade para refletir sobre o problema global das mudanças climáticas, para mostrar suas habilidades e seus pontos de vista para o mundo!
Aqui você pode conhecer o trabalho desses sete jovens, que, em cada vídeo, resumiram em 30 segundos a importância do Projeto MDL UHE Jirau.
O vídeo “CDM: We Are Part of It!”, com título em português “MDL: Nós Somos Parte Disso!”, assinado pelo monitor Efai Rocha, foi classificado em 3º lugar na categoria, e ganhou um prêmio de 500 dólares! Acesse o site UNFCCC/CDM International Video Contest 2013 e confira os finalistas! https://cdm.unfccc.int/contest/13/winvc13.html#
Why should people know about the Jirau Hydro Power CDM Project?
This making of shows how this question has been addressed by a group of young professionals. Together they are the Observatório Ambiental Jirau, a community driven communication platform that has been established in the context of the Jirau HPPs social empowerment programs. Under instruction of experienced mentors these young professionals are being trained for journalism and work with new media and already do their job by informing the local community. The UNFCCC’s 2013 Photo and Video Context now was an ideal opportunity to reflect about the global problem of climate change and to show their skills and views to the global audience. Here you can see who they are and how they have developed four 30 second video spots with their cell phones, as well as numerous photos which have been submitted to the UNFCCC contest. All of those submissions address the question why the global community should know and care about the CDM and the Jirau Hydro Power Plant. Their answer is simple as they decided to show us the different aspects of their local community life. Because whoever you are and whatever you do – in the end we are all part of one world and the battle against global climate change just reminds us of our global connection.
The video “CDM: We Are Part of It!“, by Efai Rocha was ranked 3rd place in the category, and won a prize of $ 500! Visit the website UNFCCC / CDM International Video Contest 2013 and know who are the finalists https://cdm.unfccc.int/contest/13/winvc13.html#