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Seedling Production Program

It started as a project with the objective of contributing to raising awareness about the environmental, social and economic value of native forests with the local population as a multiplier and also stimulating income generation.  

Initially, producers collected seeds in the forests for sale with the company Energia Sustentável do Brasil SA (ESBR), which produced the seedlings in their nursery.

Subsequently, the company entered into a partnership with COOPPROJIRAU, involving the entire cycle, from seed collection, seedling production and planting in areas previously studied for recovery.

To this end, producers receive training for the entire production chain, for quality control, planting and maintenance of planted seedlings.  

In addition to commercialization, this project provides for the development of reforestation in communities, aiming at the recovery of degraded areas, protection of springs and riparian forests.

Currently, it is a program developed with the cooperative members, guaranteeing annual income from the production of seedlings sold to COOPPROJIRAU.


Street Pitomba, nº1 Quadra B1

Nova Mutum Paraná,

City: Porto Velho - State: RO, 76842-000, Brazil.

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Customer attendance service

(69) 98403-4779

(69) 99936-7495

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